HIB Forms Page
Initial form used to report any act of harassment,intimidation, and bullying. Written report must be submitted in writingto the school Principal within two school days of when the school employee orcontracted services provider witnessed or received reliable information that astudent had been subjected to harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
HIB 338 Form
Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying (HIB)
Mandatory Reporting Form
2023-24 School Year
To Be Completed by Designated Local Educational Agency (LEA) Personnel
HIB 338 Form
Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying (HIB)
Reporting Form
2023-24 School Year
To Be Completed by Families / Caregivers
Investigation Report Form used when someone a student is accused of committing an act of harassment, intimidation, and bullying.
This form used for target, bully, or witness to submitstatement regarding the report.