Curriculum Overview
The curriculum of the Phillipsburg School District is consistent with the educational goals and objectives of the District and the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). The Board of Education is committed to the continuing improvement of the educational program of the District. To this end, the curriculum is evaluated on an on-going basis and modified as needed. It is responsive to identified pupil needs.
Upon graduation from our school district, students will have received the following:
- Preparation for employment or post secondary study;
- Instruction in language arts literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, world languages, visual and performing arts, comprehensive health and physical education, and workplace readiness skills;
- Continuous access to programs and services of a library/media facility, classroom collection, or both, to support the education program;
- Guidance and counseling to assist in career and academic planning;
- A continuum of education programs and services for children with disabilities;
- Bilingual education, English as a Second Language, and English language services for pupils of limited English language proficiency;
- Programs and services for pupils at risk who require remedial assistance;
- Equal educational opportunities;
- Career awareness and exploration as required, and vocational education as appropriate;
- Educational opportunities for pupils with exceptional abilities;
- A substance abuse prevention program;
- A program for family life education; and
- Programs that encourage the active involvement of representatives from the community, business, industry, labor and higher education in the development of educational programs aligned with the standards.