District and Board of Education Goals


Phillipsburg School District Board of Education Goals 2021-2022

  • Create an ad hoc committee of the Board to examine long-term policies and practices in diversity in personnel hires.
  • Continued professional development by participating in NJSBA workshops, seminars, and county meetings, as well as attendance at professional development sessions to be held at regular and/or special meetings of the Phillipsburg Board of Education, either in-person or via remote participation.
  • Engage in a Policy Wellness Check and continuously review and discuss bylaws and policies to ensure they are up-to-date.

Phillipsburg School District Goals 2022-2023

  • Promote a high level of student achievement for all students by providing access to authentic learning experiences and rigorous instruction and challenge each student to perform to her/his maximum ability level.
  • Ensure an equitable, safe, supportive, and culturally responsive learning environment for all students and staff so that each feels respected, connected, included, and valued.
  • Build strong partnerships with families and the community by focusing on communication, collaboration, and consistency to promote a system of care, support, and extended learning opportunities for all students inside and outside of the classroom.