PMS Curriculum » World Languages Department

World Languages Department

Phillipsburg Middle School World Languages Department

The World Language Department at Phillipsburg Middle School aims to develop an appreciation for the Spanish language and culture. Classes will focus on the foundational communicative and grammatical skills to further promote the study of foreign languages and cultures at the high school level. 

Spanish is offered to students for 1 marking period.  This curriculum reflects and responds to the needs and capabilities of today’s language learners. Its approach to classroom language learning incorporates current research in second language acquisition and provides students with the opportunity to develop listening, reading, speaking, and writing competency in Spanish. The principal focus is communication, whereby students are encouraged and motivated to communicate in the target language from the beginning, as well as, develop accuracy along a continuum that begins with non-structured word phrases. A communication-based curriculum provides students with the opportunity to hear and speak the language on a daily basis in the classroom. This provides for a highly interactive, student-centered environment which promotes competency in communicating in the target language.